Seeds I don’t need
Shelf Appeal goes to IKEA about once a year. It’s enough. Grab some cheap frames. Take some pictures of toys...
Shelf Appeal goes to IKEA about once a year. It’s enough. Grab some cheap frames. Take some pictures of toys...
Snow is a funny thing. It looks pretty but it doesn’t play pretty. Unless you sport. Then it has a...
A lot of the things on these shelves are of Finnish origin. So a long weekend in Helsinki was always...
You wouldn’t have to click far through Shelf Appeal to spot the toys. Toys r us. The arrival of a...
It has been stamp week here at Shelf Appeal. I’ve been ogling the suggestive stamps that have been released to...
Shelf Appeal normally likes an oldish book or booklet. A bit of rust around the staples and a bit of...
It’s nice to receive little things from a long way away. My good friend went to Japan recently. What would...
I have always thought the countryside is best seen from a car or train window. But I like images of...
I first came across the brand HAY in Copenhagen where they have a shop and a lot of presence across...
Commercial Art was an advertising-centric magazine produced by The Studio Ltd, 44 Leicester Square, London. Both names pop up whenever...
It is no secret I like a bit of anthropomorphism. Put a face on it and I’ll probably like it. I...
A Picture Book in Colour II. No fancy titles here. And with a cover design this fancy who needs a...