This here design is my personal posted out christmas card from last year. The image was purloined (what a good word) from an old McDougall Flour booklet. I can’t be doing with emailed Christmas cards, really I can’t. Cold and unprepossessing. Even digital agencies and peeps should make the hard copy effort, I feel.
For where goeth ephemera types like myself if everyone pixellates their offer?
This year Shelf Appeal has enjoyed it’s shiny new WordPress home and the even shinier heading illustration by Emily Sutton. Intended as the first of a series of header commissions, it’s rather hard to think of replacing it now.
And Shelf Appeal is enjoying Twitter too, gossiping and whatnot with new people. Not sure whether to slide into Facebook territory as well though. Avoided it so far.
So, thank you to all those people who follow Shelf Appeal. Who get the RSS, the email sub, who comment, Twitter, read, scan the pictures, visit once in a while or just think fondly of us.
Happy new year from Ribambelles & Ribambins!
I am also a big fan of traditional posted paper cards. I like the cards, I like the stamps.
Happy New Year to you too. Looking forward to seeing your new finds this year.