It’s always nice to find survivors. A small and attractive one here. This might have been for selling sweeties in, from the penny tray perhaps. Or for carrying home a few wafers to accompany your block of ice cream.
I absolutely love the illustrations on this wee paper bag. The idea that you can take home ice cream just ‘for the joy it gives!’ is pretty lovely too.
They look so very pleased with themselves, these two. Ice cream is traditionally a Summer treat. But as well as a hefty block of ice cream, the lady has a matching star-strewn coat, umbrella and hat. And the gent wears a showerproof mac with a fine bow tie, and trousers striped to match his purchase. Dressing for Autumn showers mayhap? Either way neither of them look like they are ready to share their ice cream swag.
No idea who drew these. The bag looks to be late 1950s or early 1960s. And the style of illustration looks mighty familiar, very newspaper-cartoony, yet a name remains elusive.
But the bag survived, tatty and true, until let loose for pence on eBay. Story enough for me.
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