It’s nice to receive little things from a long way away. My good friend went to Japan recently. What would I like? Well, a roll of rather special sticky tape, if you please.
I have had a book (the book) on the Swedish illustrator Mr Olle Eksell for a while. I have had a bit of a stationery crush on the lovely Japanese brand mt masking tape for a while, too. A collaboration betwixt the two could only ever be a very nice thing.
And so, in amongst a pile of lovely paper tat from Japan, came not one but two rolls of said tape. One roll of Circus, seen here. One roll of Bird Pencil.
It didn’t disappoint. Such nice drawings. Such nice matt, opaque tape. This is not to use, you understand. Well, not all of it. I have to keep just enough of each, perched on the shelf, looking happy, making me happy.

I like mt too!
arrrghhhhhh I need some!!!! what bribes do you accept!!